우리 아들에게 설명 해 주려고 만든 인포그래픽입니다. 초보자님들 보시면 좋을듯 해서 공유합니다.

1.  송금을 하기 위해서는  보내는 사람 계좌 번호,  받는 사람 계좌 번호, 보내는 액수 등이 필요하고 이 자료를 모두 기록하고 보내는 사람 통장에서 돈을 빼고 받는 사람통장에 돈을 넣는 과정을 트랜젝션이라고 합니다. 한국말로 거래 기록이라고 이해하시면 됩니다.

2.  이런 트랜젝션 자료를 여러개를 모아서 상자 속에 넣어 보관을 합니다. 이 상자를 블럭이라고 부릅니다.

3.  01번 블럭이 가득 차면 해시를 만드는데 해시라는 것은 블럭의 상태를 특수한 번호로 변환하여 기록하는것 입니다. 이것은 마치 상자의 상태를 그대로 사진으로 찍어두는 것과 비슷합니다.
그렇게 해시를 만드는 이유는 해킹을 방지하기 위해서입니다. 누군가 내용을 조금만 바꾸어도 해시가 변경되기 때문에 02번 블럭의 해시 데이터 (사진)과 비교하면 위조 여부를 확인 할수 있기 때문에 매우 중요한 것입니다 .

그리고나서 02번 상자에 01번 상자 사진과 트랜젝션 데이터가 기록되고 나면 03번 상자에 02번 사진이 또 기록되게 됩니다.
이것은 결국 01번 상자를 변경(해킹)하면 02번과 그이후 모든 상자의 사진을 변경해야만 완벽하게 위조할수 있게 됩니다. 그런식으로 연결된 상자가 너무 많으면 위조가 너무너무 힘들어 진다는 말이죠.

4.  채굴 : 채굴이라는 것은 새로운 상자속에 트랜젝션 데이터를 기록하고 해시데이터를 기록하는 것입니다. 그리고 정말 중요한것은 상자에 모든 내용을 기록할 때마다 보상이 주어집니다. 트렌젝션, 해시등의 데이터를 기록하는 일을 하고 일을 한 대가를 받는 것인데 일하는건 쉬운데 돈을 정말 많이 준다면 그 일은 누구나 하고 싶어 하겠죠?

그래서 엄청 나게 많은 사람 들이 서로 상자(블럭)에 기록하는 일을 하려고 합니다. 그래서 상자속에 먼저 기록하기 대회를 열어서 1등한 사람만 상금을 주기로 했습니다.
모든 일하러 온 사람들 에게 새로운 상자를 나누어 주는데 그 상자는 자물쇠로 잠겨 있습니다. 그래서 누구든 그 자물쇠 비밀 번호를 먼저 찾아서 상자를 연 사람만 트랜젝션이랑 해시데이터를 넣을수 있고 그렇게 상금을 받을수 있습니다.

이 대회에서 자물쇠의 비밀 번호 찾는 과정을  작업 증명 이라고 부릅니다. (Proof of work) 줄여서 POW 라고 하죠.

그 대회는 매 10분 마다 열립니다. 참여하는 사람도 엄청나게 많습니다. 그래서 항상 열쇠 비밀번호를 열심히들 찾고 있지요.  그런데 너무 번호가 쉬워서 빨리 찾으면 그다음번에는 찾기 어려운 비밀 번호를 줍니다.

그렇게 해서 10분정도에 상자(블럭)를 열수 있도록 조절합니다. 그 대회상금이 얼마냐구요? 비트코인으로 2017년 11월 16일 현재 12.5 비트를 주는데 1 비트가 870만원이니 상자 열때마다 1억이 넘는 돈을 받습니다. 상자(블럭) 한개만 열어도 부자되겠네요!!

참! 그리고 트랜잭션 마다 수수료도 있습니다. 즉 상자(블럭)열때 보상에다가 트랜잭션 수수료 까지 정말 돈을 잘 벌겠죠?? 그렇지만 지금 비밀번호가 너무너무 어려워져서 정말 정말 비싼 컴퓨터로 비밀번호를 찾아도 몇달이 걸릴정도로 어렵답니다. 이렇게 비밀번호 찾기 어렵게 만드는 것을 난이도 상승이라고 합니다.

*** 실제 블럭체인 구성과 작동 방식은 위 그림과 완전히 일치하지는 않습니다. 이해를 돕기 위해 예시를 구성하며 개념 전달에 맞추어 재구성 하였습니다.  더 깊은 내용은 다른분의 글들을 분석하시면 충분히 차이를 이해 하실수 있을 것입니다. *** 

출처: https://steemkr.com/kr/@tintom/2fgvq8

Posted by insightalive

By Julien Boudet, Brian Gregg, Jane Wong, and Gustavo Schuler

What customers want and what businesses think they want are often two different things. Here’s what customers are looking for.

Anyone who has gotten an unsolicited and irrelevant offer related to something they’ve done online knows that creepy feeling that someone is watching me. This kind of reaction is the third rail of today’s drive to personalize interactions with customers.

That’s a problem because, when done right, personalization can be a huge boon for retailers and consumers. Targeted communications that are relevant and useful can create lasting customer loyalty and drive revenue growth of 10 to 30 percent. The challenge is to personalize in a way that doesn’t cross lines and delivers genuine value and relevance. But how do you know?

To better understand what customers really value, we asked 60 shoppers to create mobile diaries of their personalized interactions with various brands over two weeks. With over 2,000 entries in total, we were able to see what kind of personalized communication works for customers and what doesn’t.

Here are the five things that customers said they value when it comes to personalized communications:

1. Give me relevant recommendations I wouldn’t have thought of myself.

One of the most popular personalization techniques is to remind shoppers of items they browsed but didn’t purchase. Using a common digital-marketing feature called retargeting, these reminders appear as ads on other websites the shopper visits or are delivered via email. Although an established technique, it is one with great potential for missteps and can easily come off as creepy or annoying if not executed thoughtfully. Shoppers don’t want to be constantly reminded of products they’ve already bought or searched for, especially if the ads appear either too soon, too frequently, or too late in the process.

Scenario: Product recommendation

One shopper found no value to an appreciation email she received after purchasing a puffy jacket. It recommended other similar jackets she might like. Regarding this product, you only need one. Why send an email for other similar coats? she asked.

To provide something a customer might be interested in, companies need to use more sophisticated recommendation algorithms to offer complementary products or services instead of just the things the shopper has already browsed or bought. This might entail, for instance, suggesting a cocktail dress for someone who has just bought or searched for stiletto heels. Customers who browse at Nordstrom.com often get product recommendations for similar items in different product categories the next time they visit Facebook. Another effective tactic is communicating in a way that people actually talk to each other. The e-commerce clothing retailer Revolve, for instance, nudges shoppers this way: If you can’t stop thinking about it, buy it <3.

Finally, with any retargeting message, it’s important to observe who responds and who doesn’t, adjust the frequency accordingly, and cap the number of impressions for everyone, especially those who never respond—continuing to retarget these shoppers will only be annoying.

2. Talk to me when I’m in shopping mode.

When to send a message is just as important as what it says. Figuring that out requires taking a close look at behaviors, patterns, and habits.

A clothing retailer found that shoppers who visited one of their physical stores or the online store were more likely to open and respond to messages that were delivered either later on that same day or exactly a week later. Sending messages at those particular times meant the company was reaching people when they were either still thinking about shopping, or at a time when shopping for clothes made the most sense for their particular schedule. Previous order data can provide useful cues about activities such as ordering a gift for someone’s birthday or anniversary.

Scenario: Replenishment

Getting the timing wrong virtually eliminates the chance for a purchase while potentially annoying the customer. For example, an Internet service provider figured out that a consumer had moved. But the company waited too long to reach out. It’s now been a month since I moved, so obviously I already have my Internet service hooked up, the customer said.

3. Remind me of things I want to know but might not be keeping track of.

A highly effective way to become relevant to shoppers is through tracking specific events and circumstances they are likely to want to know about. This might take the form of a reminder when someone may be running out of an item purchased earlier, when a desired item is back in stock or on sale, or when a new style is launched for a product or category the shopper has repeatedly bought.

Scenario: Back in stock

Retailers, however, should be careful to provide shoppers with a trigger for the targeted message. One shopper told us she received an Instagram ad for cat-themed socks, which she had purchased from the same retailer a year earlier. The shopper knew the retailer was trying to get her to repurchase, but there was no attempt to connect with her beyond the appearance of the ad.

4. Know me no matter where I interact with you.

Consumers expect retailers to connect digital messages with their offline experiences. For many organizations, this is particularly challenging, because it requires collaboration between disparate areas of the organization, such as store operations, event managers, PR, digital marketing, and analytics. Yet if done effectively, communications that seamlessly straddle both online and offline experiences—and provide real value—can make a customer feel a retailer really knows them.

Scenario: Personalized discount

When cross-channel communication involves using information that customers have not actively provided, retailers should try to supply information that consumers will find truly valuable. Starbucks, which uses location information from customers’ mobile phones, asks people who are about to place an order at a store that’s an hour away from their current location if they really want to place their order now, since the order will be ready (and getting cold) well before they arrive at the store. Most customers do not object to such location tracking because it offers them information they are likely to find helpful.

5. Share the value in a way that’s meaningful to me.

Loyalty programs and direct-purchase information can tell retailers what types of products an individual customer buys, how often he or she buys them, when they buy, and what product categories they never purchase. Many companies, however, fail to take full advantage of this information to personalize their discounts and communications to their loyal customers. Customer offers are an important way to build customer loyalty and prevent churn. Personalizing them (and often gamifying the experience) is a highly effective way to not only inspire purchases but also encourage new buying behaviors.

Starbucks’ bonus star challenge is one such example. The company selects three particular items for loyalty customers to buy within a given week in order to qualify for bonus points that equal a free drink. These items are carefully chosen for each individual customer: two products they purchase frequently and one that leads them into a new, high-value category. If a customer, for instance, frequently purchases breakfast items, their discovery product might be a lunch item. If they tend toward healthier selections, the new item might be a salad.

Scenario: Loyalty (almost at next reward)

What to do to ensure you’re not being creepy

Any successful personalization effort hinges on the creation of messages and experiences offering a high degree of value to the customer. But how do you determine what’s valuable? To help answer this, we use a simple formula:

What shoppers really want from personalized shopping

This formula shouldn’t imply an exact science when it comes to personalization. But it does highlight the key issues that executives need to address.

Customers see value as a function of how relevant and timely a message is in relation to how much it costs, meaning how much personal information has to be shared and how much personal effort it takes to get it. Importantly, trust in the brand will boost overall value, though that can grow or recede over time, depending on the customer’s satisfaction with various interactions with the brand.

In navigating this value equation, we have found addressing the following questions helpful:

Are you infusing empathy into your customer analytics and communications design?

To truly build empathy for customers, companies must understand their diverse attitudes, shopping occasions, and need states and build them into an attitudinal segmentation. Such attitudinal segmentation then needs to be layered onto the customer database in order for companies to be able to act on it to deliver on relevant and personalized messaging. This is a step many marketers miss.

Additionally, companies should be crafting their customer analytics and communications based on the customer’s journey (the set of interactions a customer has with a brand to accomplish a task). We’ve found that focusing on the satisfaction customers have with their journeys overall drives far more growth than customer satisfaction with individual touchpoints.

Are you listening carefully for feedback on customer acceptance?

Leaders in personalization are constantly testing and learning to improve their communication and engagement with customers and to identify potential issues early. They do this by digging into both upstream (likes, opens, clicks) and downstream (conversions, unsubscribes, ROI) engagement metrics. They use this information to get a better understanding of the value of the customer, for instance, how much the customer will spend relative to the cost of moving them from less engaged to more engaged.

On the flip side, they can also evaluate the economic impact that negative activity, such as unsubscribes and app notification blocks, has on a customer’s lifetime value. This allows them to more accurately appraise campaigns. For example, if one particular communication brings in twice the revenue but also elicits twice the unsubscribe rate as another communication, they will be able to determine which one is more valuable.

While data and advanced analytics play a crucial role in understanding shopper behavior, qualitative listening tools are also critical. Regular engagement with an ongoing shopper panel, for example, and ethnographic research and observation can offer valuable, in-depth, attitudinal feedback on the impact of personalized communications. Close monitoring of social media helps with the quick identification and resolution of potential problem areas.

There’s no question that doing effective personalized marketing at scale is a sizable challenge. Companies that deliver customers timely, relevant, and truly personal messages, however, can build lasting bonds that drive growth.

출처: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/marketing-and-sales/our-insights/what-shoppers-really-want-from-personalized-marketing

Posted by insightalive

Literally hundreds of thousands of people have shared what they thought were Steve Jobs’ Last Words. But guess what – they have all shared a FAKE STORY. When told the truth, many either refused to accept it, or say that the message is more important than the truth.

Well, the truth is when we share a fake story about a famous person, it teaches other people that it’s okay to lie about people, as long as it’s for a good reason. Do we really want to teach our children that? Do we really believe that it’s legal or even moral to tell lies about other people, even if it’s for a good reason?

Steve Jobs' Last Words - The Rojak Pot

We refuse to apologise for tearing off this veil of lies. We will tell you the truth about Steve Jobs, and demand that you tell the unvarnished truth. If the sentiments in this story is so “amazing”, do you really need to embellish it with fake references to famous people to “sell the message”?

Read this article, and SHARE IT, so that other people won’t be fooled by it. SHARE IT so that clickbait websites cannot make use of it to gain likes, shares and clicks. Don’t be part of a lie. Stop helping people benefit from such lies.

Originally posted @ 2015-11-11

Updated @ 2016-02-18 : Added two new sections on Steve Jobs being on artificial respiration, and his stay in the hospital.

Updated @ 2017-01-14 : Added a new preface, and updated several parts of the article.

The Steve Jobs’ Last Words Hoax

This is the infamous Steve Jobs’ Last Words that have been shared by hundreds of thousands of people on social media and email chain letters.

Steve Jobs' Last Words - The Rojak PotSteve Jobs’ Last Words

I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success.

However, aside from work, I have little joy. In the end, wealth is only a fact of life that I am accustomed to.

At this moment, lying on the sick bed and recalling my whole life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth that I took so much pride in, have paled and become meaningless in the face of impending death.

In the darkness, I look at the green lights from the life supporting machines and hear the humming mechanical sounds, I can feel the breath of god of death drawing closer…

Now I know, when we have accumulated sufficient wealth to last our lifetime, we should pursue other matters that are unrelated to wealth…

Should be something that is more important:
Perhaps relationships, perhaps art, perhaps a dream from younger days

Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me.

God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth.

The wealth I have won in my life I cannot bring with me. What I can bring is only the memories precipitated by love.

Were Those Really Steve Jobs’ Last Words?

Short answer – NO.

How do we know this? Let’s take a look…

We know what his last words really were

On the 30th of October 2011, the New York Times printed an eulogy by his sister, Mona Simpson. In that eulogy, she described his last moment :

Steve’s final words, hours earlier, were monosyllables, repeated three times.

Before embarking, he’d looked at his sister Patty, then for a long time at his children, then at his life’s partner, Laurene, and then over their shoulders past them.

Steve’s final words were:


Steve Jobs Was Not On Artificial Respiration

The fake speech claims that Steve Jobs was on artificial respiration. That’s not true. Although his family has been very private about his final days, we do know that he was not being kept alive by a mechanical ventilator.

The intubation required would have prevented him from saying anything. If he was being kept alive by a mechanical ventilator, he wouldn’t be able to say “Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.” as his sister revealed were his true last words.

In fact, on August 11, 2011 – less than two months before he died, Steve Jobs asked Tim Cook to visit him.  As recounted in Tim Cook’s book – Becoming Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs was more than capable of talking lucidly even then :

He told me he had decided that I should be CEO. I thought then that he thought he was going to live a lot longer when he said this, because we got into a whole level of discussion about what would it mean for me to be CEO with him as a chairman. I asked him, ‘What do you really not want to do that you’re doing?’

“It was an interesting conversation,” Cook says, with a wistful laugh. “He says, ‘You make all the decisions.’ I go, ‘Wait. Let me ask you a question.’ I tried to pick something that would incite him. So I said, ‘You mean that if I review an ad and I like it, it should just run without your okay?’ And he laughed and said, ‘Well, I hope you’d at least ask me!’

I asked him two or three times, ‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ because I saw him getting better at that point in time. I went over there often during the week, and sometimes on the weekends. Every time I saw him he seemed to be getting better. He felt that way as well. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out that way.”

Finally, if he was really kept alive by a mechanical ventilator, it would have kept him alive. He wouldn’t have died of respiratory arrest, which was the immediate cause of death. The fact that he did indeed die of respiratory arrest is evidence that he was not on artificial respiration

Steve Jobs Did Not Die In A Hospital

Alternate versions of this fake speech refers to him being in a hospital bed. Steve Jobs died at home, not in a hospital. The New York Times noted :

In his final months, Mr. Jobs’s home — a large and comfortable but relatively modest brick house in a residential neighborhood — was surrounded by security guards. His driveway’s gate was flanked by two black S.U.V.’s.

We don’t have an exact date for when he was confined to his home for his last days, but we do know that by August 11, 2011, he was permanently at home :

“He said, ‘I want to talk to you about something,’ ” remembers Cook. “This was when he was home all the time, and I asked when, and he said, ‘Now.’”

None of the books written about him refers to these fake Last Words

He had an official biography written by Walter Isaacson (Steve Jobs, ISBN 978-1501127625). Walter Isaacson was given unprecedented access to his personal life, including over 40 interviews with Steve Jobs himself.

If Steve Jobs wanted to pass along such a message, he would have done it in that book. There is no mention of such a message in that biography.

He also had many books written about him – Steve Jobs : The Man In The MachineSteve Jobs : The Man Who Thought DifferentBecoming Steve Jobs : The Evolution of a Reckless Upstart into a Visionary LeaderSteve Jobs : His Story, etc. None of them mentions this fake message.

Steve Jobs did not believe in God

The fake quote refers to God twice, which Steve would never do because he did not believe in God. He was a Zen Buddhist, not the Lutheran Christian he was brought up to be. Buddhism is a religion but their adherents do not believe in God or gods.

Unbelievably bad grammar

The fake quote is replete with bad grammar. That is something Steve Jobs would never condone, being the perfectionist that he was. Needless to say, the writing style was not his either.

Steve Jobs was not afraid of death, he made use of it

The fake quote framed Steve Jobs as regretting that he spent his life in the pursuit of success at the expense of his family. This cannot be further from the truth. Steve Jobs not only embraced his impending demise, he used it to spur him to make the most of his time left.

During his famous commencement speech at Stanford University in 2005, he said that “Death is very likely the single best invention of life“. He then expounded on using that knowledge that our impending deaths to spur ourselves to greater heights, and to do what we really want to do in life :

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

Steve Jobs did not pursue wealth, only his vision for Apple

The fake Steve Jobs’ Last Words allude to a mindless pursuit of wealth. However, this cannot be further from the truth, because Steve Jobs earned a cool annual salary of $1 since he returned to a struggling Apple in 1997.

He was not the only corporate executive to do this, of course, as they can be compensated through alternate means like bonuses, stock options, etc. Steve Jobs was notable, though, for not taking any alternative form of compensation since 2003.

He took virtually nothing in compensation for his time and effort at Apple because he was not pursuing wealth, but his vision. His wealth, and his position at Apple, were the means to the end, not the goal itself.

Help Stop This Fake Attribution

If you see this fake quote being shared, please DO NOT share it. Share this article with them instead.

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출처: https://www.rojakpot.com/steve-jobs-last-words-debunked/

Posted by insightalive

2012년 이후 처음으로 ASP 증가, 프리미엄 스마트폰에 주목 

최근 글로벌 스마트폰 시장의 성장 정체가 예상되면서 고수익을 올릴 수 있는 프리미엄 스마트폰에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 가트너에 따르면 2017년 스마트폰 출하량은 2016년 18억9,300만대보다 늘어난 19억400만대, 2018년 19억3,600만대, 2019년 19억3,400만대를 기록할 전망이다. 중저가 중심으로 성장하던 스마트폰 시장이 매년 1% 미만의 성장률로  정체기에 접어들면서 스마트폰 업체들도 프리미엄 스마트폰 시장에 대한 고민이 깊어지고 있다.

또한 중저가 제품을 통해 처음으로 스마트폰을 접한 고객들이 좀 더 품질이 좋은 스마트폰을 원하기 시작하면서 프리미엄 스마트폰 시장에 대한 업체들의 관심이 날로 커지고 있다. 증권가에 따르면 2017년 2분기 글로벌 스마트폰 시장의 평균 판매가(ASP)가 2012년 1분기 이후 처음으로 증가한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 ‘16년 2분기와 비교해 봤을 때 $400 미만 가격대의 스마트폰 출하량은 대부분 감소한 반면 $400~$500 가격대의 출하량은 53.1%, $500 이상은 8.4% 증가했다. 이는 소비자가 중저가에서 프리미엄급으로 스마트폰 구매 성향이 변화하고 있으며, 향후 스마트폰 시장의 중심이 프리미엄 스마트폰으로 바뀌고 있다는 증거로 볼 수 있다.


중국 스마트폰 업체, 프리미엄 스마트폰 시장을 노린다

올해 글로벌 스마트폰 시장은 중국의 대표적인 스마트폰 업체 화웨이의 애플 추격전이 화제가 됐었다. 글로벌 리서치 업체 카운터 포인트에 따르면 지난 6월과 7월, 화웨이가 애플을 제치고 세계 스마트폰 점유율 2위를 차지했다. 비록 2달이라는 짧은 기간이었지만 그동안 중국에서 스마트폰 강자로 군림하던 화웨이가 글로벌 스마트폰 시장에서도 성공적으로 자리 잡고 있음을 보여준 사건이었다. 리서치 업체 IDC는 화웨이와 애플의 출하량 차이가 ‘17년 1분기에 250만 대이며 그 격차는 지속적으로 줄어들고 있다고 보고했다.

중저가 시장에서 자신감을 얻은 중국 스마트폰 업체들이, 최근 프리미엄 스마트폰 시장으로 눈을 돌리고 있는 것이다. 지난해 11월 오포는 프리미엄 스마트폰 ‘파인드9’을 출시했다. 화웨이는 올해 10월 ‘메이트 10’을 출시하며 지속적으로 프리미엄 스마트폰을 내놓고 있다. 이들은 기존 프리미엄 스마트폰과 비슷한 최신 기술에 상대적으로 15%~30% 저렴한 가격을 앞세워 시장 침투를 가속화하고 있다.


구글, HTC 픽셀 사업부 인수로 프리미엄 스마트폰 시장 진출

프리미엄 스마트폰 중심으로 시장 재편이 예상되면서 주요 사업자의 전략도 변하기 시작했다. 특히 안드로이드 운영체제를 만드는 구글의 움직임이 예사롭지 않다. 지난 9월 대만 HTC의 픽셀(Pixel) 스마트폰 사업부를 1조 2,000억 원에 인수했다. 구글은 2012년 모토로라를 125억 달러(약 13조 4천억 원)에 인수했다가 2014년 29억 1천만달러(약 3조 100억 원)에 매각하는 등 막대한 재무적 손실을 보면서 스마트폰 하드웨어 분야에서 완전히 철수한 것으로 보였다. 그러나 올해 구글은 HTC 픽셀 사업부를 인수하면서 다시 스마트폰 하드웨어 제조업에 뛰어들었다.

이미 구글은 ‘16년 10월에 HTC와 함께 프리미엄 스마트폰 브랜드 픽셀을 런칭하며 안드로이드 레퍼런스폰 브랜드인 넥서스를 중단시켰다. 따라서 이번 인수는 프리미엄 스마트폰 제조에 좀 더 집중하겠다는 구글의 강한 의지가 반영된 것으로 볼 수 있다. 픽셀과 넥서스 차이는 구글의 개발 참여도로 볼 수 있다. 기존의 넥서스는 제조업체에게 구글이 최소 가이드라인을 제시한 것이라면 픽셀은 디자인부터 세부 사양까지 구글이 결정하고 있다. 구글은 넥서스에 없던 구글 로고까지 픽셀에 넣어가며 자사의 철학이 담긴 스마트폰을 만들기 위해 노력하고 있다.

▲ 구글이 출시한 스마트폰 ‘픽셀’

구글이 픽셀을 인수한 목적은 파편화된 안드로이드 운영체제를 재편하고 프리미엄 스마트폰을 주도하기 위한 것으로 분석된다. 안드로이드 운영체제는 전 세계 운영체제 점유율 87.7%를 차지하고 있지만 시장에서는 다양한 버전이 사용되고 있다. ‘17년 10월 기준으로 안드로이드는 Ginger bread부터 Oreo까지 14개 버전에 이른다. ‘15년에 발표한 Marshmallow가 32%로 가장 많이 활용되지만 지난 ‘17년 8월 발표한 Oreo는 0.2%에 불과하다. 이에 반해 경쟁사인 애플은 ‘17년 9월 iOS11을 배포하며 한 달 만에 점유율 54.85%를 달성했다. iOS10 점유율도 38.98%에 달한다. 구글은 경쟁사 애플에 비해 고품질의 안드로이드 운영체제를 시장에 제때 반영하지 못하고 있는 것이다. 이에 따라 구글은 픽셀을 통해 고품질 운영체제가 탑재된 프리미엄 스마트폰을 지속 출시하며 시장의 주도권을 확보하고자 노력할 것으로 보인다.


OLED, 프리미엄 스마트폰의 새 기준 

하드웨어 측면에서는 좌우 베젤뿐만 아니라 상하 베젤까지 줄어든 풀스크린 디스플레이와 얇은 두께의 스마트폰에 대한 고객의 선호도가 높아지면서 OLED가 주목받고 있다. OLED는 유기물 기반 발광 재료를 활용해 각각의 화소가 스스로 빛을 내며 색을 구현하는 디스플레이다. 기존 LCD 방식의 디스플레이에 비해  백라이트가 없어서 스마트폰을 좀 더 얇게 만들 수 있으며 저전력으로 설계할 수 있다는 장점이 있다. 또한 플렉시블 OLED는 화면을 구부러지거나 접는 등 디자인과 하드웨어 설계에 장점을 가지고 있다.

결국  앞으로는 OLED 적용 여부가 프리미엄 스마트폰을 가르는 기준이 될 것으로 보인다. UBI리서치는 OLED를 적용한 풀스크린 스마트폰의 점유율이 2017년 약 17%에서 2020년 약 60%로 확대될 것으로 예상했으며, 폴더블 디스플레이도 나올 것으로 내다봤다. 앞으로 스마트폰 디스플레이는 OLED를 중심으로 프리미엄화가 가속화될 것으로 전망된다.


인공지능, 비서 서비스에서 AP까지 적용

프리미엄 스마트폰에는 차별화된 고객 경험을 주기 위한 인공지능 기술의 역할이 강화되기 시작했다. 최근 인공지능 기술은 비서 서비스에 결합되는 방식 외에도 스마트폰 연산처리 장치인 AP에 직접 탑재하는 방식으로 다양화되고 있다. AP에 탑재된 인공지능 기술은 사진 촬영에 필요한 이미지를 주로 처리한다. 구글은 ‘17년 10월에 출시한 프리미엄 스마트폰 픽셀2와 픽셀2XL에 인공지능 기술이 적용된 프로세서 ‘비주얼 코어’를 장착했다. 이 기술은 스마트폰 카메라로 사진 촬영 시 인공지능 기술을 통해 사진 보정과 처리 속도를 높이는 역할을 한다.

애플 아이폰X의 AP ‘A10’, 화웨이 메이트10, 10프로의 AP ‘기린 970’ 에도 인공지능 기술이 적용되었다. 애플은 A10에 적용된 인공지능 기술인 ‘뉴럴 엔진’을 바탕으로 아이폰X에서 얼굴인식을 통한 잠금 해제 기술인 ‘페이스ID’, ‘인물 사진 조명’과 ‘증강현실’ 기능을 장착했다. 화웨이의 메이트10, 10프로는 기린 970을 통해 카메라 촬영 시 가장 적절한 색감을 골라주는 인공지능 기능을 탑재해 프리미엄 스마트폰으로서의 기능성을 높였다.


프리미엄 스마트폰, 시장 재편의 변곡점이 될 듯

세계이동통신사업자협회(GSMA)는 세계 스마트폰 보급률이 2016년 처음으로 50%를 넘어섰고 오는 2020년 65%까지 상승하지만 성장률이 점차 정체될 것으로 전망했다. 시장 정체에 맞물려 업체들은 고수익을 내는 프리미엄 스마트폰에 대한 관심이 높아질 것이며 소비자 또한 기존 중저가 폰보다 개선된 사양의 스마트폰을 요구할 것이다. 이미 프리미엄 스마트폰 선도업체들은 운영체제, 디스플레이, 인공지능 등 새로운 기술을 통해 차별화된 고객 경험을 만들기 위해 새로운 판을 짜고 있다. 여기에 중국 업체들까지 가세하면서 프리미엄 스마트폰 시장의 경쟁이 치열하게 전개될 것이다. 앞으로 펼쳐질 스마트폰 시장의 격전에서 어떤 업체가 최후의 승자가 될지 귀추가 주목된다.

출처: http://news.samsungdisplay.com/11754

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