Facebook Premium Video Ads ComingIf you spend plenty of time on Facebook, you might be not be too pleased to hear that video ads will be implemented as part of your Facebook news feed in the coming months. Apparently, Facebook mentioned that 15-second Premium Video Ads will be rolling out with an unnamed “select group of advertisers.” These ads will play themselves automatically, but will not emit any kind of audio until you decide to click on them.

According to Facebook, the social network will sell and measure the ads “in a way that’s similar to how advertisers already buy and measure ads on TV,” where this will be based on Targeted Gross Rating Points in order to arrive at a specific audience over a short period of time.

As for the ad delivery system, it will be measured by Nielsen, so advertisers will also save in the long run since they only pay for what Nielsen measures. Facebook is also collaborating alongside Ace Metrix to assist advertisers in reviewing the quality and engagement level for each ad prior to its Facebook run.

A beta version of the video ads to advertisers was run in January 2013, but its official release has been held back several times in 2013 itself. Whispers on the street have it that the ads will sell for as low as $600,000, although initial figures of $1 million and $2.5 million were mentioned, too. [Press Release]

This article was filed in Homepage > Cellphones and was tagged with Facebook

출처: http://www.ubergizmo.com/2014/03/facebook-premium-video-ads-coming/?utm_source=mainrss

Posted by insightalive